The Casino Trips and all future trips: To sign up for any trip come to the Senior Room and see Mary. She is the trip director and has the lists and how many seats are available etc. Trips can be paid for thirty days before the date of the event. Come in to pay as soon as notice is posted of any lunch trip. If you need to cancel you must do it the week before the Wednesday of the trip. Anyone going on the trips must have a form on file which is to conform with insurance requirements. The form will be filled out in the Senior Room when you make your reservation. All checks being mailed for trips should be mailed to 147 S. Michigan Ave., Bradley, Il 60915, Attn: Senior Club.
We are planning to have three casino trips each year as we have had in the past.
The next is planned for June 29th. Contact Mary if you are interested.
Because of Covid we are still experiencing delays to resume the monthly out of town lunches and trips such as the annual trip to Arthur/Amish and a Play.
Policy on refunds: The money that is paid for the monthly Quality Inn luncheons and/or Casino trips is paid to the Quality Inn or the Casino for the total number of reservations. Therefor there will be no refunds once the count or money has been sent to the restaurant or casino. This means that cancellations can only be accepted if they are submitted two weeks before the event. This is not our rule but the event venue rule. Deadlines are established for each event and must be adhered to. Once purchased tickets are not transferrable so please do not give your ticket to anyone else to use. All names are listed on the reservation form or the casino trip manifest. The Casino does not refund any money after they have received it. This is stated in the contract which we sign. Thank you for your cooperation.